

这篇文章补充了我们的季度研究通讯, 介绍中欧教育学院研究项目的最新进展. 报名 在你的收件箱中获取这些信息. 


CEE工作人员正在研究热泵背景: This project will install a sample of cold climate air source 热泵s (ASHPs) in Minnesota homes that are currently electrically heated. 它将制定质量安装的临时协议, 然后会实施哪一个, 测试, 精制, 和验证. Researchers will collect and analyze field data to assess performance and customer acceptance, and to provide government energy agencies and utilities with evidence of reliable real-world savings from cold climate ASHPs.

更新: 项目团队正在完成他们的分析并进入报告阶段. Preliminary results indicate several best practice approaches that optimize integrating ASHPs into existing heating systems to maximize savings and energy efficiency. A blanket approach to installation can result in inefficient use of the system or fewer cost and comfort benefits for occupants. The team wants to build off this project with more connected diagnostics that would automate quality control based on the specific configuration of a user's heating and cooling system. 这也将精简和简化承包商的最佳实践应用. A winter webinar for this project is linked at page bottom and a final report will be published soon.


This project is supported by a grant from the Minnesota Department of Commerce Energy Division through the Conservation Applied Research and Development (CARD) program, 是由明尼苏达州纳税人资助的吗.


背景: 带照明的标准办公室2016年,商业建筑的能耗约占美国总能耗的19%.S. A study by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory found that advanced occupancy sensors used for both lighting and HVAC controls can achieve 18% energy savings at a national scale compared to a control case. This project sought to investigate and demonstrate the use of beacon-based Wi-Fi location-based services in commercial buildings to determine the energy and non-energy benefits of building management system integration of the technology. 

更新: The project team has completed monitoring and data analysis and is currently finalizing a report on project findings. By verifying the ability of wireless access points to detect occupant presence and headcount in spaces, the team was able to determine the comfort and cooling needs of the space more accurately and provide building operations with key space use patterns. This method also presents the opportunity to regulate occupant comfort through temperature and ventilation, 以及操作灯和汇总安全数据. 最终, 这种方法可以扩展到为个人定制办公空间, 类似于这些系统目前在博物馆或零售商店的运作方式. 包含这些调查结果的最终报告将于今年冬天公布.


这个项目是由美国农业部资助的.S. 能源部.


气溶胶密封更新: 能源部’s BENEFIT program conditionally awarded CEE with funding to develop an advanced 气溶胶密封 technology that can be used in adjoining areas without having to cover living space surfaces to reduce disruption of building occupants and allow for easier application. CEE 研究ers have used this sealing approach in prior work and achieved a 55% overall average leakage reduction on participating residences. 对于这个项目, 研究ers will refine the 气溶胶密封 approach on at least 40 residences in 3–4 different U.S. 位置. The team is also working on a new guarded air leakage testing method to more accurately measure house-to-attic leakage and plan to conduct that measurement in an additional 40 residences.


该项目得到了美国农业部的有条件资助.S. 能源部,建筑足球外围app哪个靠谱前沿 & 创新技术(BENEFIT)计划.


双子城居民区鸟瞰图背景: 能源部, 国家可再生能源实验室(NREL), has selected CEE for negotiation for funding to perform a Building America retrofit field validation and demonstration project. The project will address hard-to-solve technical challenges specific to decarbonizing the existing residential housing stock in the Upper Midwest. The 研究 team and its industry partners have worked for many years to advance residential decarbonization in the Midwest through community engagement, 承包商的培训, 研究, 技术部署. This project seeks to expand technology 研究 and small-scale pilots to address the scaling challenges of decarbonizing existing residential housing. 该团队将开发决策工具, 方法, and training for practitioners to incorporate building envelope evaluation and improvement work in conjunction with air source 热泵 selection and installation in cold climates. CEE将与Slipstream在这个项目上合作, 提升能源, 威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校的研究项目, 以及行业合作伙伴大金公司, 公司., LG Electronics, Mitsubishi Electric, Carrier Corporation, Aerosol LLC, and Commonwealth Edison.


这个项目是由美国农业部资助的.S. 能源部,建设美国计划.



更新: 今年12月,中欧中欧的工作人员将举办三场靠谱的外围竞猜app热泵最新研究成果的网络研讨会.

“热泵可以成为下一个交流”将于12月13日(周三)上午11点举行.m.12 p.m. and will share results from a ComEd-funded field study of more than 30 热泵s installed as AC replacements in Illinois homes.

"Optimized Installations of Air Source Heat Pumps for Single Family 首页s" will be held on Wednesday, 12月13日, 从11点开始.m.12 p.m., sharing 研究 results on the installation and evaluation of a sample of cold climate ASHP systems in Minnesota homes.

“Air-to-Water Heat Pumps: A Cold Climate Solution” will take place Tuesday, December 19, from 11 a.m.12 p.m. and will provide context about air-to-water 热泵 systems for Minnesota consumers using 研究 results from a CARD-funded project.




The 研究 demonstrated in the “Heat Pumps Can Be the Next AC” is supported by funding from ComEd. The “Air-to-Water Heat Pumps” and "Optimized Installations" projects are supported by grants from the Minnesota Department of Commerce Energy Division through the Conservation Applied Research and Development (CARD) program, 是由明尼苏达州纳税人资助的吗.